Artificial Intelligence Supercomputer JUPITER Coming Soon

The performance of a billion billion floating point operations will change science and technology forever. It could become the world's fastest and most powerful machine, helping to realize many breakthroughs in every field of science, from climate change to quantum physics. JUPITER, the first 10 billion trillion trillion supercomputer, is ready for launch.

A 100-billion-digit supercomputer performs five trillion operations per second, equivalent to the total computing power of 10,000 laptops. There are officially only two such supercomputers in the world, although it is suspected that China has several other such classified computers.

Through the efforts of the European Commission and private companies, JUPITER will be built and launched at the Jülich Research Center in Germany. The center's director said the machine could become the world's fastest AI supercomputer.

and cluster modules with SiPearl's new European Rhea processor. The launch of NVIDIA JUPITER is expected to take place in 2024, thanks to the joint efforts of European technology companies and the entire scientific community.

According to the head of SiPearl, the supplier of the JUPITER chip, the machine will be able to top the rankings of the most powerful supercomputers in the world. While JUPITER's final ranking depends on the test scores scientists are able to achieve, they will make every effort to have the supercomputer ranked first in terms of performance.

Original article by Chief Security Officer, if reproduced, please credit

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